Addiction Therapists - Soldotna, AK
We found 23 addiction therapists in Soldotna, AK. See refinement options below.
Ms. Evelyn Louise Clough, CDCII, ANP
Ms. Evelyn Clough's areas of specialization are psychiatry, counseling, and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Soldotna, AK. -
Cindy Lou Vasilie, CDCI, MS, AMC-S
Ms. Cindy Vasilie's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Soldotna, AK. -
Angela D. Lindsay, RN
Ms. Angela Lindsay specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Soldotna, AK. -
Shari Le Bryant-Conner, CDCI, NCACI
Ms. Shari Bryant-Conner's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Soldotna, AK. -
Colleen Nusbaum, CDCI, LCSW
Ms. Colleen Nusbaum's specialties are social work, counseling, and addiction therapy. She practices in Soldotna, AK. -
Dr. Kristie Kay Sellers, PHD
Dr. Kristie Sellers is a psychology and addiction therapy specialist in Soldotna, AK. -
Ms. Lori A. Nelson, LPC, MS
Ms. Lori Nelson's specialties are counseling and addiction therapy. She practices in Soldotna, AK. -
Jose Gonzalez, LCSW
Mr. Jose Gonzalez works as a social work, counseling, and addiction therapy specialist in Soldotna, AK. -
Mrs. Jodi Lynn Lout, CDC1
Ms. Jodi Lout's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Soldotna, AK. -
Jody Jo Asimakopoulos
Ms. Jody Asimakopoulos specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Soldotna, AK. -
Molly Gretchen Davis, LPC, MAC
Ms. Molly Davis specializes in counseling and addiction therapy and practices in Soldotna, AK. -
Stephanie L. Haasis, LPC, CDCII, MAC
Ms. Stephanie Haasis works as a counseling and addiction therapy specialist in Soldotna, AK. -
Lydia Anna Bird, LPC, MAC
Ms. Lydia Bird practices counseling and addiction therapy in Soldotna, AK. -
Danielle Marie McIntosh, CT
Ms. Danielle McIntosh's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; she sees patients in Soldotna, AK. -
Jimmy Ward, MDIV, MS
Mr. Jimmy Ward's areas of specialization are counseling and addiction therapy; he sees patients in Soldotna, AK. -
Nicole Isabell Palacios
Ms. Nicole Palacios is a social work, counseling, and addiction therapy specialist in Soldotna, AK.