Hematologists - Spokane, WA
We found 27 hematologists in Spokane, WA.
Mary Sloan Foutz, ARNP
Ms. Mary Foutz specializes in oncology (cancer care) and hematology (blood disorders) and practices in Spokane, WA. -
Lindsay Whetzel, PA
Ms. Lindsay Whetzel's areas of specialization are medical oncology and hematology (blood disorders); she sees patients in Spokane, WA. -
Dr. Hakan Kaya, MD
Dr. Hakan Kaya specializes in general practice, medical oncology, and hematology (blood disorders) and practices in Spokane, WA. He graduated from Ankara University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Emilio Denicio Sulpizio, MD
Dr. Emilio Sulpizio is a hospital medicine (hospitalist), adult hematology, and adult oncology specialist in Spokane, WA. Dr. Sulpizio studied at the University of Washington School of Medicine. -
Dr. Brett Lee Gourley, MD
Dr. Brett Gourley's specialties are adult hematology and adult oncology. He practices in Spokane, WA. Dr. Gourley graduated from Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Jay L. Whittenkeller, MD
Dr. Jay Wittenkeller is an adult hematology and adult oncology specialist in Spokane, WA. Dr. Wittenkeller attended Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Arvind Chaudhry, MD
Dr. Saritha C. Thumma, MD
Dr. Saritha Thumma's specialties are general practice and medical oncology. She practices in Spokane, WA. She graduated from St. John's Medical College. -
Dr. Mei Dong, PHD, MD
Dr. Mei Dong sees patients in Spokane, WA and Vancouver, WA. Her medical specialties are adult hematology and adult oncology. -
Dr. Srivalli Gopaluni, MD
Dr. Srivalli Gopaluni is a general practice and medical oncology specialist in Spokane, WA. She studied at Gandhi Medical School. -
Dr. Marsha Gay Fink, MD
Dr. Dharmini Manogna, MD
Dr. Dharmini Manogna is an oncology (cancer care) and hematology (blood disorders) specialist in Spokane, WA. -
Dr. Irene A. Dy, MD
Dr. Kawal Dinsa Chester, M.D.
Dr. Kawal Chester practices adult oncology, medical oncology, and hematology (blood disorders) in Spokane, WA. -
Dr. David Reid Trevarthen, M.D.
Dr. David Trevarthen is an adult hematology and adult oncology specialist in Spokane, WA. He studied at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. -
Dr. Brent McGinty, M.D.
Dr. Brent McGinty, who practices in Spokane, WA, is a medical specialist in adult hematology and adult oncology. Dr. McGinty studied at the University of Washington School of Medicine.