Surgeons - Aurora, IL
We found 115 surgeons in Aurora, IL.
Dr. Kevin V. Kelly, MD
Dr. Kevin Kelly's areas of specialization are general practice and neurosurgery; he sees patients in Aurora, IL and Chicago, IL. He attended the University of Illinois College of Medicine. -
Jeffrey K. Collins, DDS
Dr. Jeffrey Collins practices oral and maxillofacial surgery in Hinsdale, IL and Aurora, IL. -
Richard J. Balcerak, DDS
Dr. Richard Balcerak specializes in oral and maxillofacial surgery and practices in Hinsdale, IL. -
Dr. Allen David Bloom, MD
Dr. Allen Bloom works as a general practice and general surgery specialist in Aurora, IL. He studied at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine. -
Dr. Brian C. Gulack, MD
Dr. Dmitry Sergei Ruban, MD
Dr. Dmitry Ruban sees patients in Aurora, IL. His medical specialties are general practice and neurosurgery. -
Dr. Bryan W. Rubach, M.D.
Dr. Bryan Rubach is an Aurora, IL physician who specializes in facial plastic surgery and otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat). -
Dr. Bradley John Zarling, MD
Dr. Bradley Zarling specializes in orthopedic trauma and adult orthopedic reconstructive surgery and practices in Aurora, IL and Downers Grove, IL. -
Dr. Katherine Facklis Kouvelis, MD
Dr. Katherine Kouvelis is a general surgery and colon & rectal surgery specialist in Aurora, IL and Naperville, IL. Dr. Kouvelis attended Rush Medical College. -
Dr. David H. Park, MD
Dr. David Park practices general surgery in La Grange Highlands, IL, La Grange, IL, and Naperville, IL. -
Dr. Michael J. Liptay, MD
Dr. Michael Liptay studied at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine. -
Dr. Juan J. Bonilla, MD
Dr. Juan Bonilla's specialties are cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, and thoracic surgery. He practices in Downers Grove, IL, Naperville, IL, and Aurora, IL. Dr. Bonilla attended Loyola University Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine. -
Dr. Craig L. Weinstein, MD
Dr. Craig Weinstein is an Aurora, IL physician who specializes in general practice and general surgery. He studied at Boston University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Sanjiv Upadhyay, M.D.
Dr. Sanjiv Upadhyay specializes in otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat) and practices in Aurora, IL. He studied at Wayne State University School of Medicine. -
Dr. Jb B. Joo, MD
Dr. Jb Joo sees patients in Aurora, IL. His medical specialties are general practice, general surgery, and complementary and alternative medicine. He studied at Loyola University Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine. -
Dr. Keith M. Monson, MD
Dr. Keith Monson's specialties are general practice and general surgery. He practices in Aurora, IL and Chicago, IL. He studied at Rush Medical College.